Privacy Policy
About Privacy
Ute Smit, ICLHE Chair
on behalf of the ICLHE Board
at Vienna, Austria, 18 December 2023
The ICLHE Association respects the privacy of its members and interested parties. The policy adopted by the Association adheres to the guidelines under the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as well as Dutch Law.ICLHE is a not-for-profit Association registered at the Dutch Chambers of Commerce and aims to create a platform for sharing ideas, information, opinions, experiences, and initiatives regarding the teaching and learning of academic disciplines through another language in higher education. It aims to stimulate cooperation between members and interested parties by creating an Internet forum and organizing conferences and other activities.ICLHE’s Privacy Policy explains how your personal information is collected, stored and used. You can request that your data be modified, updated, or deleted at all times.ICLHE is a new organization and is currently building its database of members. The aim is that you as members will have direct control of your data that is stored in the database.
ICLHE explains how it collects your data, how it is stored, and what it is used for in full transparency below.
Safety and security
ICLHE uses your data only for the purposes of achieving the aims of the Association (sharing and cooperating among members). ICLHE ensures that your data is not distributed to outside parties. ICLHE does not allow your personal data to be used by outside parties for marketing or other purposes.
As a organization, ICLHE is appointing a Compliance Officer whose job is to regularly audit security and safety risks and keep relevant authorities informed.
Collection and storage of personal data
ICLHE invites members to submit personal contact data and information about their professional interests at the time of joining the Association. This information is placed on the Member Zone of the Association’s website, a Zone to which only Members have access via username and password.
The Member Zone will only give names, position and affiliation, e-mail contact address, and professional interests. Members will be able to amend, delete, or add information as they wish.
Private contact addresses are stored by the ICLHE Secretary for the purposes of maintaining an up-to-date database of members.
Data is collected via the Membership application form on the ICLHE website or directly via the Association’s email address.
ICLHE also maintains a list of email addresses of interested parties. These are people who may have attended previous ICLHE or similar events, but who have not become members, or who have expressed a wish to remain on an ICLHE mailing list. Only the name and email address are stored on the ICLHE site. Interested parties who do not wish to remain on the mailing list will be removed.
How ICLHE uses your data
ICLHE uses Members’ personal data in order to maintain contact and ensure the smooth running of the organization. This includes mailings, invitations, calls for contributions, and posting of physical books and similar publications.
ICLHE may also invite members with similar interests to join in collaborations.
ICLHE every now and then emails interested parties with information about ICLHE newsletters, events, publications and such like.
If a member of the Board steps down for whatever reason, they shall cease to have access to Members’ personal data within a period of three months (transition period) after they have stepped down. If the former Board member remains a member of the Association, then they retain the same rights as other members.
If a member of the Association resigns, or does not renew membership, then that member’s personal data will be removed from the Member Zone and from the ICLHE database within a period of three months. The former member may wish to remain an interested party.
Cloud storage
ICLHE uses platforms that are well established in the EU/EEA.
The ICLHE website is maintained on Wix. The website designer and the Compliance Officer will ensure that no information is posted without permission of the author (usually a member or an interested party wishing to publicize a conference or similar event).
Photographs are posted on the website. In the case of ICLHE events, where photographs may be used on the website, participants will be notified openly in the location where this may occur.
The ICLHE Board maintains a Cozy site for the storage of documents, data, and other information necessary for the smooth running of the Association. This site is not publicly available and not available to members. The Compliance Officer retains oversight of the site to ensure compliance with the privacy regulation and applicable law.
Compliance Officer
The ICLHE Privacy Officer is responsible for overseeing ICLHE compliance with the GDPR and applicable law. The officer will conduct an audit of the compliance and risks affecting members’ personal data held by the ICLHE Association.
The Compliance Officer will report to and advise the Board.
If an issue is deemed so serious, the Compliance Officer may report directly to the relevant GDPR authority in case of non-compliance with the GDPR and applicable law.
Members’ control
During the Association General Meeting, members may appoint an audit team from among members of the Association to verify ICLHE compliance with respect to Members’ personal data.
During the Association General Meeting, members may also direct the Board to appoint an independent external auditor to review ICLHE compliance.
Updating the Privacy Policy
The ICLHE Board will from time to time modify, update and expand this Private Policy in line with the growth of the Association and the applicable law.